Are you or someone you love suffering from back pain?

FREE E-BOOK10 Ways to conquer Low Back Pain without injections, meds or surgery

Just a few pages reveal how you can ease your back pain tonight...

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A personal message from Specialist Physical Therapist, Sarah Rudolph....

Is your back pain getting you so frustrated that you think your only option is to rely on stronger painkillers, injections or resort to surgery? Maybe your doctor told you that was your only option....
In the next few minutes you are going to discover how you, an active adult who values your health and quality time with your family can get back to enjoying active and fun family time and return to work and recreational activities.
At this point, you think that back pain is just something you have to live with…but secretly you hope to be free of this nagging pain and be able to move freely or have a normal day without needing to take medication. It’s not fun having trouble picking up your kids or grandkids, not being able to keep up with the rest of the family on a nature walk or having to leave the restaurant or family table early because you just can’t tolerate sitting any longer.

We've put together a Free EBOOK showing you 10 Ways to Conquor Low Back Pain. Inside you'll find…Tips on what you can start doing right away to alleviate your back pain, tips to prevent recurrence of back pain, and an explanation of frequent causes of back pain.
 Just enter your first name, your email address and click the “Yes! I Want the Free EBOOK” button below and you'll instantly receive the Free EBOOK by email.
You'll receive all the information that shows you why you really can ease back pain without painkillers, injections or surgery.  
I work with people ages 40-60 just like you to find relief from sudden or chronic back pain. What I can tell you is that painkillers, shots and some surgeries are not likely to help.
Why? Because they don’t get to the root cause of the problem. They may cover up the symptoms for a while, but it is just like putting a band-aid on the area. Oral medications also have a systemic (all through the body) effect, and don’t have sensors that take them right to the source of the pain. Often the source of the pain is not even in the same place where you feel the pain! Surgery may correct the bony issue but does nothing to address the muscular and soft tissue adaptations that have happened over time and are contributors to your pain.

I know so many people who have just accepted that back pain is now a normal part of their lives. This does NOT have to be you! My free EBOOK will explain why you should have hope that you can live free from back pain.
Inside you’ll find helpful tips for healing and changes you can make in your everyday life to beat low back pain. 
This EBOOK is perfect for you if…
You are an active 40-60 year old adult in the Longview area wanting to recover from back pain so that you can enjoy playing with your kids or grandkids and get back to your recreational activities without relying on painkillers or injections.

If back pain is keeping you from playing with your kids or grandkids or enjoying work and recreational activities then you need to take a few minutes to read this EBOOK.
This e-book is NOT for you if you're content to live with taking painkillers, don't care about fixing the MAIN problem, or would rather just opt for the “quick fix” of surgery (which is never a quick fix and takes months to recover from).
What would your life look like in a few months if you were free from back pain?
So go ahead....enter your first name, your email address and click the Yes! I Want My Free EBOOK button to instantly receive the Free EBOOK by email.
There’s no catch…I’m doing this because I want to help people avoid unnecessary surgery, years of pain, and multiple visits to doctors, pain clinics and hospitals. I want to empower people to make informed decisions about their healthcare and their bodies and help them take an active role in their healing journey by placing tools in their hands and helping them to understand the nature of their injury more fully. All you have to do is enter your information and I’ll send it to you immediately.
Wishing You the Best,

Look who else came to VITAL LIFE PHYSICAL THERAPY and left feeling Happy, Healthy and More Active...

"I've suffered for a few years now and have tried many things but working with Sarah has been a totally new experience. I've gained so much more freedom due to the work we have done together. Thanks Sarah, I can finally see a normal day in my future!"

Kat Fullmer, age 61
Longview, Tx

"I had two nagging injuries for which Iā€™d tried chiropractics, massage, and yoga therapies. Sarahā€™s thorough evaluation gave insights I had not considered which continue to inform my day to day movement. Her work is gentle and intentional and has amazing results with both chronic and acute issues. I especially appreciate her suggestions for self-therapy at home. ā€‹I have received much relief and healing!"

Vicky Johnson, age 58
Kilgore ,Tx

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